Sutey Ranch

Near Carbondale, CO

Overview: The project involves the exchange of six parcels of Federal Lands in Pitkin and Eagle Counties aggregating 1470 acres to acquire two parcels of non-Federal lands totaling 433 acres located in Garfield and Pitkin Counties.

The proponents, Leslie and Abigail Wexner, also donated 235 acres to the United States; plus $100,000 for planning and $1,000,000 for long-term management of the newly acquired land. In this exchange, a large area of wild natural land with valuable wildlife habitat and hunting opportunities was exchanged to non-Federal ownership in return for a smaller area of land that could be developed for non-motorized recreation.

• Status: The BLM completed the exchange in 2017. Following that, CWPL submitted a lawsuit. The Federal District Court Judge issued a decision in favor of the BLM in March 2021.

• Federal Agency: Bureau of Land Management, Colorado River Valley Field Office

• Proponents: Leslie and Abigail Wexner, 2343 County Road, LLC; Prince Creek Crown, LLC; and Lady Belle Partnership.

• Representatives: Western Land Group

• Location: Eagle, Garfield and Pitkin Counites near Carbondale

• Public Land To Be Conveyed To Proponent: Six parcels of Federal lands aggregating 1470 acres

• Non-Federal Land To Be Acquired By Public: Two parcels of non-Federal lands totaling 433 acres plus 235 acres donated

• BLM Project Website for all project documents

Link to Sutey Records and Documents Received by CWPL via FOIA Requests