Near Meeker, CO
Overview: On January 14, 2021 the BLM issued their decision to approve a land exchange with Buffalo Horn Properties, LLC to convey 14 parcels of Federal lands in Rio Blanco and Moffat Counties, aggregating 2,652 acres, and to acquire one parcel of non-Federal lands of 1,327.06 acres.
The heart of this proposal is whether the BLM is gaining hunting grounds that are equal in quality to those they are trading away. This exchange would also reduce the grazing rights of several local family ranches.
• Status: On March 8, 2021 CWPL filed a protest to the BLM’s decision to approve the exchange. We await response.
• Federal Agency: Bureau of Land Management (BLM), White River District
• Proponents: Buffalo Horn Properties, LLC
• Location: In Rio Blanco and Moffat Counties, near Meeker
• Public Land To Be Conveyed To Proponent: 14 parcels of Federal lands aggregating 2,652 acres
• Non-Federal Land To Be Acquired By Public: One parcel of non-Federal lands of 1,327 acres
• BLM Project Website for published project documents
Documents Received via Freedom of Information Act Requests
Read more: Buffalo Horn