Land Exchanges

  • Locke Park

    Locke Park

    Located approximately 14 miles Northwest of Westcliff, CO Overview: The Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp is proposing to convey an approximately 120-acre inholding in the Locke Park area of the Wet Mountain Range to the Federal Government in exchange for an approximately 100-acre parcel at the foot of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, that would include…

  • Blue Valley Ranch

    Blue Valley Ranch

    Near Kremmling, CO Overview: The proposal would privatize the last remaining three public parcels along a 15-mile stretch of the Blue River, a gold medal trout stream. In exchange, there are potential alternate access points with a public access easement on the river, a proposed river park near Kremmling and perhaps a hiking access near Green…

  • Willow Creek

    Willow Creek

    Near Winter Park, CO Overview: TMII Development, LLC is proposing to convey one parcel of land containing approximately 50.23 acres to the USFS. In exchange, USFS proposes to convey one parcel of land containing approximately 6.87 acres located adjacent to the Mary Jane lifts at the base of the Winter Park ski area to the proponent. 

  • Valle Seco

    Valle Seco

    Near Pagosa Springs, CO Overview: Proposed in November 2019, this project involves the exchange of nine federal parcels of land, Parcel 1-9, on the San Juan National Forest (SJNF) totaling approximately 380 acres for one non-federal parcel of land, Parcel A, totaling 880 acres.

  • Mt. Emmons

    Mt. Emmons

    Near Crested Butte, CO Overview: The Mt. Emmons (AKA Red Lady) land exchange involved the exchange of three parcels of federal land (551 acres) needed to facilitate “Remediation Activities” at the historic Keystone Mine for one parcel of non- federal land located in Gunnison County and three parcels of non-federal land located in Saguache County, Colorado…

  • Buffalo Horn

    Buffalo Horn

    Near Meeker, CO Overview: On January 14, 2021 the BLM issued their decision to approve a land exchange with Buffalo Horn Properties, LLC to convey 14 parcels of Federal lands in Rio Blanco and Moffat Counties, aggregating 2,652 acres, and to acquire one parcel of non-Federal lands of 1,327.06 acres.

  • Sutey Ranch

    Sutey Ranch

    Near Carbondale, CO Overview: The project involves the exchange of six parcels of Federal Lands in Pitkin and Eagle Counties aggregating 1470 acres to acquire two parcels of non-Federal lands totaling 433 acres located in Garfield and Pitkin Counties.